Product No.
Herbal Honey refill size was created based on customer feedback. For those who use it on a daily basis, it comes in a 500g pack that can be used a lot. Please refill it into the empty Tamitu bottle you are currently using or your favorite container.
*When refilling, please make sure the bottle is completely dry before replacing.
(Tax included.)
/ 500 g
Features of 000

Herbal Honey 000 に調合した純粋はちみつは、ブルガリア中央部のバルカン山脈とスレドナゴラ山脈に囲まれた「バラの谷」に咲くダマスクローズが蜜源。この品種はバラの女王とも呼ばれ、香水に使われるほど香り高いことで知られています。しかし、一年のうち約3週間しか咲かないため、採れるはちみつは大変希少です。華やかな甘味を存分に堪能ください。

Herbal Honey 000 には、ローズダマスク、スペアミント、クローブ、八角、クミン、コリアンダーシードを調合。特にローズダマスクは、ベースとなったはちみつと同じくダマスクローズ由来です。愛と癒し、さらには幸運を呼び込むと信じられ、美の象徴とも呼ばれるローズダマスク。各種ハーブの力と組み合わさって、身体にポジティブな影響を与えてくれます。
Ingredients of 000
Usage Precautions
- This product contains honey. Do not feed to infants under 1 year of age.
- When refilling, please use a completely dry container. If there is moisture on the refill container, it may cause fermentation.
- This product contains herbs and spices. If you have any concerns, please consult your doctor or pharmacist.
- Store at room temperature away from direct sunlight even while in use. Storing in the refrigerator may cause crystallization.
Product information
- Name: Honey processed products
- Ingredients: Acacia honey (Ukraine), rose honey (Bulgaria), rose damask, star anise, cloves, coriander seeds, cumin, spearmint, lemon juice
- Contents: 500g
- Best before date: 365 days from date of manufacture (The product you receive has a best before date of 5 months or more.)
- Storage method: Avoid direct sunlight, high temperatures and humidity, and store at room temperature in a cool place as much as possible.
Usage Precautions/product information
Usage Precautions
- This product contains honey. Do not feed to infants under 1 year of age.
- When refilling, please use a completely dry container. If there is moisture on the refill container, it may cause fermentation.
- This product contains herbs and spices. If you have any concerns, please consult your doctor or pharmacist.
- Store at room temperature away from direct sunlight even while in use. Storing in the refrigerator may cause crystallization.
Product information
- Name: Honey processed products
- Ingredients: Acacia honey (Ukraine), rose honey (Bulgaria), rose damask, star anise, cloves, coriander seeds, cumin, spearmint, lemon juice
- Contents: 500g
- Best before date: 365 days from date of manufacture (The product you receive has a best before date of 5 months or more.)
- Storage method: Avoid direct sunlight, high temperatures and humidity, and store at room temperature in a cool place as much as possible.
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